"Drink Deeply" Lectionary Bible Study - Saturday Mornings @ 10am:
All are invited to this Bible Study in Zion’s dining room. Prepare your heart to drink deeply of God's Word as we study the lectionary readings for Sunday morning's Divine Service. Studies will also be streamed online here. These classes tend to last until 11:30 or noon, which allows plenty of time for questions and conversation.
Topical Bible Study - Sundays Mornings @ 9:30am:
All adults as well as older children who have completed their catechesis are invited to study the Scriptures with the pastor in dining room. This is usually a topical study. Classes tend to be more focused and wrap up at 10:15.
Sundays @ 9:30am [September-June]
Christian education for children of all ages starts at the same time as Bible Study so whole families can study God’s Word every Sunday. Supervision is provided even for toddlers, so all parents can attend Bible Study.
Children are split up according to age and ability and meet in the Family Room, Library, or Children’s Room for class with one of our Sunday School teachers. Classes work through the big stories of the Bible, practice the catechism, and pray together. After the lesson children are given supervised free time together as a break before the Divine Service.
The children’s time is guided by the saying, "When we work, we work; when we play, we play; when we rest, we rest; when we pray, we pray."
Adults seeking confirmation will attend the 12 week intensive Core Catechesis class offered at the beginning of every year.
Children growing up at Zion are provided more extensive catechesis. After they have finished the Pilgrim’s Progress catechism they will be ready for our confirmation course. The 3-years course includes Old Testament history & theology, New Testament history & theology, and a deeper look at the Small Catechism and our Lutheran Confessions.
Throughout this time they will also:
After completing the full three year course, the child is formally examined and confirmed. Once confirmed, children would start attending regular "adult" Bible study classes, having all the foundational knowledge they need to engage in the class, whatever their age is when they complete the course.
In short, the catechumens of Zion will grow both in and into the faith and the life of the church, rather than "graduating" or growing out of Sunday school or confirmation classes. By the time they finish, they will have a solid devotional life at home they can continue throughout their life:
In this program, we equip not just the child, but the whole family (and thus the whole congregation into the future!) to endure in the faith to the resurrection.